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Image by Nico Baum



A Collective Healing Space Dedicated to Awakening and Creating Beauty Through Love


Do you want to experience more beauty in your life and in the world?

Do you want to celebrate and honor the things you love and open space for more love?

Do you want to connect with a love-centered community and co-create beauty in a safe collective space?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are invited to join the Awakening Beauty Circles, a weekly online community that aims to awaken and create more beauty in and around us!



What is beauty?

Beauty is a natural presence that emerges out of the unity of our diversity.




It is what happens when we bring our authentic expressions into space and, while holding our own individuality, open our hearts, minds, and souls to deeply listen, connect with, and love each other. It is beautiful because it touches us deeply. We find ourselves in it, yet we also find so much more that we didn’t even know existed within us. We dance between our individual freedom and collective love. In a way, in this ecstatic dance of conversations where we are seen, heard, and accepted, we become whole again. We transcend the reality that we know is feasible in our hearts.


What are Awakening Beauty Circles?​

Awakening Beauty Circles are one-hour digital circles (max 12 people) that will meet every week for 12 weeks. Each session will be inspired by a different expression of the things we love, such as nature, art, music, poetry, your pet, etc. We will use love as the grounding force for our conversations and explore how we can integrate more of what we love into our lives and invite more of the awakened beauty in our personal and collective spaces. We will also exercise our diversity and expand our identities to include more universal love for all.


How does it work?

Each session will follow a simple and effective process:

  • We will start with a brief introduction and a warm-up activity to get to know each other and set the tone for the session.

  • We will then have a contemplation by one of the participants who will share their love for one of the things they find beautiful , such as nature, art, music, poetry, pets, etc. The expression does not need to be limited to contemplation; it can be as creative as the presenter wants as long as it is authentic and respectful. 

  • We will then have a group discussion where we will reflect on the expression, share our own perspectives and experiences related to the theme, and explore practical ways of incorporating emerging wisdom into our daily lives. We will practice deep listening, empathy, and curiosity, and we will honor each other’s diversity and uniqueness.

  • We will end with a closing activity where we will express our gratitude and appreciation for each other and for the beauty we have co-created.


Who can join?

Anyone who feels inspired by what they are reading and feeling in their hearts is welcome to join us. If this intention and invitation resonate with you, come as you are!


Given the structure of the circles, participation will be limited to 12 members to ensure a conducive environment for meaningful connection and trust. We expect a high level of commitment from each participant to maintain the integrity and flow of our community.


If you know others who are curious about beauty and its manifestations, open-minded to different perspectives and experiences, authentic in their self-expression and presence, and inspired by love and life, please feel free to extend the invitation!


What are the benefits?

By joining the Awakening Beauty Circle, you will:


  • Celebrate and honor the things you love: Opening space for more love to flow into your life

  • Discover New Forms of Love and Beauty: Through the reflections of others, uncover new perspectives and dimensions of love and beauty that enrich your understanding and appreciation

  • Explore Practical Integration: Explore potential practical ways of integrating more love and beauty into your daily life, fostering a deeper sense of fulfillment and harmony

  • Engage in Meaningful Contemplation and Conversation: Practice meaningful contemplation and conversation within a nurturing and safe environment where your authentic voice is valued and respected

  • Experience Acceptance and Connection: Experience the profound sense of being seen, heard, and accepted for who you truly are, fostering deeper levels of connection and understanding

  • Practice Deeper Listening and Connection: Cultivate the art of deep listening and genuine connection, enhancing your ability to empathize and relate to others authentically

  • Expand Your Mind and Identity: Embrace the opportunity to expand your mind and identity as you engage with diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering personal growth and transformation

  • Cultivate a Supportive Community: Build lasting connections with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for self-discovery and growth

  • Gain Inspiration and Motivation: Draw inspiration and motivation from the shared experiences and journeys of fellow participants, empowering you to explore new avenues of creativity and personal development


When and where?

The first session will be on Wednesday, 13th March 2024 at 12 PM EST.  (~60-75 minutes) The sessions will be held digitally and the link will be sent to the registered participants. The sessions will not be recorded to create a sense of safety and natural flow.


 (Depending on the time zones and availability of the participants, we can restructure the circle timelines after registrations.)


What is the cost?

$33 for ~3 months, 12 weeks starting on 13th March, ending on 29th May. Funded by your contributions, supported by our collective love, undivided attention, authentic presence, and maximum commitment during the circle timelines.​


How to sign up?

To register for the program, please fill out the form below. If you are in the first 12 to sign up, you will receive a welcome email with more details about the process and schedule.



About the facilitator

​My name is Doruk Kurt and I am the founder and facilitator of Awakening Beauty Circles. I am a lover of life and beauty. I believe that beauty is a powerful force for transformation and that we all have the potential to awaken and create more beauty in ourselves and in the world. It brings me joy to create spaces where people can connect, heal, and grow together. 

Join the ABC Community 


Thanks for joining! You will receive an email with further instructions soon.

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